How to give

By giving to The Imperial Valley Community Foundation's funds today, you help improve the quality of life in the Imperial Valley. Whatever your interests or passions are, be it the environment, education, civil society, science and technology, arts and culture, or the well-being of the animals and people living in our region, The Imperial Valley Community Foundation is dedicated to strengthening all of our communities, now and for generations to come.
Donor Advised Funds
Donor Advised Funds provide you with a simple, rewarding, and highly personal approach to giving. They offer a low-cost, low-maintenance alternative to a private foundation. Opening a Donor Advised Fund allows you to make a gift, receive an immediate charitable deduction and remain actively involved in making grants from your fund.
Supporting charity through your estate plan
The Imperial Valley Community Foundation can work with you and your attorney to reduce your taxable estate through a charitable bequest or other planned gift. With the Foundation’s prudent stewardship, your gift will create a legacy of caring in the community that stays true to your charitable intent forever.
Establishing an endowment
Creating an Endowed Fund at the Imperial Valley Community Foundation will help you leave a permanent and personal legacy. You can name your fund, tell how you want the earnings to be distributed and be sure that your gift will be invested wisely to benefit the Imperial Valley for years to come.
Selling a highly appreciated property
Through an outright gift of real estate, a bequest or charitable remainder trust, the Imperial Valley Community Foundation can assist you to: benefit multiple charities with one gift, avoid capital gains tax, or diversify an asset and establish an income stream.


The funds we manage at IVCF fall under two broad classifications:

An endowment is a permanent fund. Contributions to an endowment are irrevocable, and become assets of the Imperial Valley Community Foundation.  Endowment funds have two balances:

  • Principal:Endowment Principal can never be invaded, or transferred out of the Foundation. All earnings are posted to Endowment Principal to preserve the endowment's earning power against inflation.
  • Distributable: An annual percent of earnings from the Endowment Principal are allocated to the Endowment Distributable monthly.

All contributions to non-endowment funds are available for grant distributions. They do not have a permanent principal. Contributions to non-endowments are also irrevocable.

Donor-Advised Funds:
Endowed or non-endowed funds where the donor retains the right to “advise” or “recommend” to the Board of Directors grant distributions to qualified nonprofit organizations.

Designated Funds: Endowed funds where distributable earnings are designated to a specific nonprofit organization.

Community Endowment: Endowed funds where distributable earnings are granted for charitable purposes at the discretion of the Board of Directors in response to identified local needs.
Endowed or non-endowed funds to provide scholarships for local students. The donor may retain the right to advise, create an external committee or utilize the Foundation’s Scholarship Selection Committee.

give online now

Imperial Valley Community Foundation
(Unrestricted/Core Support)

Open a fund

The Imperial Valley Community Foundation enhances our community by working with individuals, businesses and organizations to set up charitable funds that are then managed at The Foundation. Grants from these funds support charitable groups and programs working to improve the quality of life in Imperial County.
A charitable giving fund provides a flexible, tax-advantaged solution for making a difference in your community. We're here to help you every step of the way to establish a fund that matches your charitable intentions.
With a myriad of philanthropic partners, the Imperial Valley Community Foundation supports nonprofit organizations and public institutions in fields such as the environment, science and technology, the arts, civic engagement, education, health and human services and other areas of need.
Learn More

Let us help you design a personal and meaningful giving strategy.

If you would like to open a fund with us, call or email to make an appointment.  In advance, take the following questions into consideration when deciding what kind of fund to open:

What type of fund do you want?

  • Endowment
  • Non-endowment

What will be the name of the fund?

What is the charitable purpose of the fund?

Will this be funded with current assets or through your estate?

If it will be funded with current assets, with what current assets will the fund be established?

  • Cash
  • Appreciated Real Estate
  • Appreciated Securities
  • Other

How will decisions about grants made from the fund be determined?

  • By IVCF's Board of Directors
  • Recommended by donors
  • Recommended by a family or other group
  • Go directly to a specified organization

gifts of real estate

Do you have highly appreciated rental property that you’re tired of managing but need the monthly income?  Or, do you have excess property, like a vacation home, you are no longer using, and want to avoid capital gains?

And are you interested in:

  • Avoiding capital gains taxes?
  • Maximizing your tax deductions?
  • Receiving a dependable income for the rest of your life?
  • Supporting your favorite causes and nonprofits now and after your lifetime?
  • Exiting a 1031 exchange and avoiding capital gains?
  • Eliminating the headaches of managing rental property?
When you give, you also gain!

A gift of real estate offers an excellent way to unlock the full appraised value of a property, receive significant tax advantages, possibly increase your income, and at the same time, build a charitable legacy supporting your favorite causes for years to come.

There are many types of real estate you can give and many reasons why gifts of property are a flexible and beneficial choice. The Imperial Valley Community Foundation can help you decide which of the options right for you.
Learn more about the giving options offered by the Real Stare below
Imperial Valley Community Foundation / PO Box 2739 / El Centro, CA 92244 / (760) 336-0055
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