An endowment is a permanent fund. Contributions to an endowment are irrevocable, and become assets of the Imperial Valley Community Foundation. Endowment funds have two balances:
All contributions to non-endowment funds are available for grant distributions. They do not have a permanent principal. Contributions to non-endowments are also irrevocable.
Let us help you design a personal and meaningful giving strategy.
If you would like to open a fund with us, call or email to make an appointment. In advance, take the following questions into consideration when deciding what kind of fund to open:
What type of fund do you want?
What will be the name of the fund?
What is the charitable purpose of the fund?
Will this be funded with current assets or through your estate?
If it will be funded with current assets, with what current assets will the fund be established?
How will decisions about grants made from the fund be determined?
Do you have highly appreciated rental property that you’re tired of managing but need the monthly income? Or, do you have excess property, like a vacation home, you are no longer using, and want to avoid capital gains?
And are you interested in: