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The Imperial Valley Community Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, and all gifts to the Imperial Valley Community Foundation and IVCF's funds are deductible for federal and state income tax purposes to the extent provided by law. Federal Tax ID# 33-0681176.

Imperial Valley Community Foundation
(Unrestricted/Core Support)

If you prefer to make your tax-deductible contribution by check, please make your checks payable to "Imperial Valley Community Foundation" and mail them to our office located at PO Box 2739, El Centro, CA 92244. If you are contributing to a specific fund, please note the name of the fund in the memo field of your check.
Want to help an specific program?
Choose below
Burrowing Owl Stewardship and Education Fund
Acquiring land for habitat, constructing or restoring burrows, educating farmers and construction crews.
Prairie Falcon Conservation Fund
To protect and conserve the Prairie Falcon (Falco mexicanus) and its breeding habitats in California's deserts and grasslands.
Ocotillo Wind Community Benefits Program
To address the region’s greatest challenges, needs and opportunities through three separate endowment funds which each support the core goal of improving the quality of life in Imperial Valley.
Ocotillo Wind Tribal Mitigation Program
The purpose of the Program is to support culturally significant activities in order to preserve and strengthen the culture, history and traditions of the Eligible Tribes.
The Imperial Valley Community Foundation has a growing portfolio of scholarship opportunities for students from Imperial Valley. Thank you to the generous families and donors who have made and continue to make these opportunities available.
Charitable Funds
To view a full list of our charitable funds benefiting the Imperial Valley or to donate to one of our other funds, please click here.
Thank you for your generous support. Thank you for your charitable investment in the mission and programs of the Imperial Valley Community Foundation.
Imperial Valley Community Foundation / PO Box 2739 / El Centro, CA 92244 / (760) 336-0055
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